Lior Aviv

 Authorized tour guide to Florence and Rome

Lior Aviv

 Authorized tour guide to Florence

Lior Aviv

 Authorized tour guide to Florence





Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Lecture topics are listed below​

All lectures available also via Zoom.

Duration 60-75 minutes accompanied by PPT presentation. 


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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Geniuses of the Roman Baroque - New Lecture

No doubt at all that Caravaggio and Bernini stand first and foremost among the artists of Roman Baroque. Yet alongside those geniuses there were those of whom we hear far less today.

This lecture looks at works by Caravaggio and Bernini but does not forget the great contribution of others often overshadowed such as Alessandro Algardi, Borromini, Guido Reni, and  Artemisia Gentileschi.  

 For further information, please click here

Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Life Changing Messages Transmitted in Art - New Lecture

Carpe Diem – Seize the Day – Memento Mori – Remember You must Die. Expressions and exclamations dating to ancient times. How has Art attempted the transmission of these far-reaching/significant concepts? This lecture looks at the projection of life-changing message through imagery.



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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Renaissance 'Selfies' - New Lecture

Is the ‘selfie’ a new thing or can this phenomenon be spotted by looking back to the past? Not restricted to the period – but nevertheless focussing on the Renaissance – we shall see that the human ‘selfie’ urge remains the same. Any change has been only to the means of achieving the desired result. 


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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

An outdoor and indoor visit in Florence

The Cradle of the Renaissance


The city of Florence began its story about two thousand years ago. From the comfort of home, this lecture invites shared exploration of the city drinking in glimpses of beauty and discovering hidden treasure.


 For further information, please click here


Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

On and Off the Main Track - Masterpieces in Rome

Each generation, ruler and culture in the city of Rome, left its imprint on it. It seems that the most notable ones are from the Imperial, Renaissance and the Baroque periods. This lecture will explore some works from the known to the hidden in the Eternal city. 

 For further information, please click here

Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Places of Pagan Cult and Christian Worship in Rome -

New Lecture


Rome, 'The Eternal City', has held its pivotal role in the Western Catholic Faith for more than two thousand years but it is important to remember that prior to that it was the centre of the Western Pagan World. This lecture looks at the fascinating phenomenon that has seen unholy pagan sites converted into sacred places of Christian faith. 


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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Patronage: Patrons and Artists - New Lecture

Contemplating masterpieces and trying to understand an artist’s intentions can be stimulating, but was he or she the only individual involved in the creative process? Probably not. While great weight should be given to the talent of the artist sometimes of equal importance is the definitive input of the person commissioning the work. Observing a work of art from the viewpoint of that patron provides another angle for viewing the finished product.


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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Prefiguartion in Christian Art - New Lecture

What is the connection between the Sacrifice of Isaac and the Crucifixion? Why was it important for Moses to see the Burning Bush? In the expression of Christian belief, nothing is by chance. That which occurred in the Old Testament was seen as serving as a precedent to that which would happen in the New Testament. This lecture looks at this concept and how it is expressed in art.



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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

The most Venerated Saints: 

Their Stories and Roles in Everyday life -

New Lecture



Who are the most venerated Saints in the Catholic world? What was their story and what role do they continue playing in the lives of believers? This lecture will answer these questions.




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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Divine Intervention represented in Christian Art

 When referring to spiritual issues and beliefs sometimes there is a need or desire for material proof. The miraculous events in the Christian Catholic faith (and in other faiths) are seen as proof of Divine Intervention.

In this lecture we shall see how these interventions are represented in Christian art from different periods. 


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Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

The Geniuses of the Renaissance and Baroque -

Compliments, Modesty and much more Ego.



 Even though highly appreciated in their lifetimes, it seems that Leonardo, Michelangelo, Bernini, and other genius artists were human beings after all. Afraid of failure and always in

competition with their rivals, the consequences and upheavals of human nature and Ego manifested in their behavior. All this, and more will be studied here.


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The Gates to Paradise

Entrance to the Italian Art and Culture, through the Gates of Paradise

 The golden doors of the Baptistery in Florence, are known as 'The Gates to Paradise', a title probably coined by Michelangelo.

These doors are relevant to the three monotheist religions, since the panels of the doors tell various stories of the Old Testament (The Jewish Bible).
In this lecture we shall explore these themes, and reveal together the way they are related to the Italian art and culture. 


For further information, please click here 

Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

Woman's Figure in Art Through Man's Eyes - 

From 'Sacred' to 'Sinner'



Throughout human history, the ambiguous attitude of man towards the portrayal of woman in art is unmistakable. It is an attitude that has functioned to construct the figure of woman as man wished to see her, struggling and fighting between extremes.

This lecture examines the depiction of woman as the sacred and the sinner as well as other representations appearing between these opposite poles.


For further information, please click here


Michelangelo, The Sistine Chapel and other Masterpieces

"Dwarfs on Giants' Shoulders" -
Change of the Artistic Language from Renaissance to Baroque


Here we shall examine together how the Artistic Language was changed from the Renaissance to the Baroque period, following new ways of thinking and discoveries. 

With these concepts, we shall be able to understand and read also other works of art from those periods closer to their original context, as much as it is possible for us today. 



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Art at the Service of Power

Art at the Service of Power

Apart from being a great means for transmitting beauty, art was recognized centuries ago as the Bibbia Pauperum - the Bible of the Poor.  In this way, it was the perfect channel for conveying messages to the people, even to those without the ability to read or write.

This lecture examines art used at the service of power as an authoritative instrument throughout history.

How to read Works of Art

How to read Works of Art

Renaissance art contains a secret language.  By examining various works of art, this lecture aims to identify the tools that will unlock the hidden meanings.  Much of this ability is instinctive so that it only requires the awakening of powers of observation to read this art more fully.

Visions and Ecstasy

Visions and Ecstasy

The Baroque period of 17th Century Europe dealt almost obsessively with matters of spirit; the ultimate aim being to achieve oneness with God.  
It was an attitude that then passed to believers by means of many - and different - works of art.   
This lecture looks at particular works of art created with the intention of offering inspired sources of contemplation and meditation to assist the 
believer in reaching the objectives of the Church.

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